Thursday, November 16, 2006

Same Sex Attraction: No Contradiction in Church Teaching

Many believe that same-sex attraction is an inborn behavioral trait. Therefore, they regard homosexual behavior no more or less moral than heterosexual behavior. Twelve years ago I was one of them.

In the early 1990s, twin studies allegedly proved a genetic basis for homosexuality. Dr. Simon LeVay discovered brain differences between gay and straight men; Dr. Dean Hammer found a gene linkage site, and numerous hormone-based disorders of sexual development were identified. When I graduated from medical school I “knew” that gays were “born that way.” The Catholic Church was wrong. Ten years and one ex-lesbian acquaintance later, I reconsidered.

As I began to read the literature for myself it became abundantly clear that same-sex attraction (SSA) is neither innate nor immutable. Gay activists have leveraged these misconceptions to fight truly unjust discrimination against their community. However, no lasting good can come of lies. Harassment is still prevalent, and the gay community has turned against its own. Ex-gays and practitioners of re-orientation therapy are vilified. This is not surprising since ex-gay testimonies expose the innate, immutable lie which has become the cornerstone of the gay rights movement.

The studies of Drs. Hammer and LeVay have been discredited, hormone-based sexual disorders are imperfect models of homosexuality, and twin studies actually support both environmental and genetic influence. Thus, the gay affirmative American Psychiatric Association states that no specific biological cause has been isolated, and that sexual orientation is due to a complex interaction between biological and environmental factors.

Every trait is influenced by genes, but only some are determined by them. “Genetically determined” is destiny, “genetically influenced” is not. Identical twins have exactly the same DNA and share genetically determined traits 100% of the time. Eye color is a genetically determined trait, so identical twins always have the same eye color. Homosexual attraction, however, is shared only 30% of the time. This proves that there is no gay gene and that at least 70% of the variation in sexual orientation is not inherited.

Since the incidence of SSA among twins is greater than that of the general population, there probably is some genetic influence in the form of inherited predisposing traits. Only in a particular environment will these lead to SSA.

Sexual attractions develop over time and heterosexual attraction is the biological norm. Same-sex attraction is also associated with serious health risks. For these reasons, SSA is a developmental disorder.

In his Theology of the Body Pope John Paul II explains the spiritual meaning of the marital embrace which is to be unitive and procreative. These divine purposes are impossible for two members of the same sex to accomplish. Consequently, the Church teaches that “’Homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.’ …[and]Under no circumstances can they be approved,”(Catechism, #2357).

Science has revealed some of the roads into and out of SSA. Consequently, some who are strongly motivated may experience true and lasting change. This was the conclusion of Dr. Robert Spitzer following his study of ex-gays in 2003. In 1973 he was instrumental in normalizing homosexuality having believed sexual orientation to be immutable. Today he remains a gay rights activist, but also defends the right to therapy.

A person’s dignity lies in their very humanity. We are made in the image and likeness of God. Our dignity is not diminished by the presence of a disorder. Therefore, mistreatment of those with SSA is gravely sinful.

There is no contradiction in Church teaching. She speaks the truth in love: There is hope for those who struggle with SSA; change and/or chastity is attainable. There is hope for an end to violence and unjust discrimination against those who remain attracted to the same sex. Because we are all equal in human dignity.


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